This walking tour takes visitors on a tour of the East Falls neighborhood of Philadelphia by way of architecture and remnants of its industrial heritage. Standing at the Schuylkill River looking uphill, one can see a smattering of churches and remains of industry, modest homes built to house mill workers, and grander homes of those who made their fortunes from the industries of East Falls. A variety of architectural styles exist throughout East Falls in a relatively small geographical area. Styles include Federal, Gothic, Greek Revival, Tudor and Italianate with buildings originating from the early 1800s up through the current day. This tour is approximately 1-2 miles long depending on whether you take certain spurs, and much is walking uphill.
3600-3610 Indian Queen Lane, c. 1928, N40°00.567’, W075°11.522’. These six homes are recognizable as classic Philadelphia rowhomes. The house at 3602 Indian Queen Lane was the model home for this series of homes, and along with the church and café on Indian Queen Lane, was featured in the movie, “Cover,” with Lou Gossett, Jr. and Patti LaBelle.
3580 Indian Queen Lane, c. 1872, N40°00.591’, W075°11.439’. East Falls Methodist Episcopal Church, built in the Greek Revival and Italianate architectural styles.3500 – 3506 Indian Queen Lane, N40°00.642’, W075°11.285’. Now the site of a community garden, this location was once the site of the Hohenadle Brewery, from 1898-1930.
Make a left onto Vaux Street. Vaux Street intersects Midvale Avenue. From here, travel further uphill to visit the popular neighborhood park, McMichael Park (N40°01.085’, W075°11.323’). McMichael Park was established in 1929 and was named for a former mayor of Philadelphia. Numerous Indian artifacts have been found at this site, indicating that it was once the location of an Indian village. In 1777, Lafayette’s headquarters were in the Morgan House, located nearby at Henry Avenue and Coulter Street.
Proceeding downhill back to the river and other historical destinations:Warden Drive. Most of the homes on Warden Drive were built in 1924-25 as the “English Village” by Mike McCrudden on the land once occupied by a brewery dam.
SEPTA rail station, N40°00.674’, W075°11.573’.
St. Bridgets, N40°00.647’, W075°11.590’. St. Bridget’s was established in 1853. The present church at 3667 Midvale was built in 1927. Connie Mack, owner of the Philadelphia “A’s” baseball team and Grace Kelly attended mass at St. Bridget’s in the 1950s. Prince Albert of Monaco and members of the Kelly family were present at the 150th anniversary of the Parish in 2003.Take a right on Ridge Avenue past Mason’s Building. Then take a left on Calumet to Falls Bridge. The Falls Bridge was completed in 1895 to connect East Falls to West Fairmount Park. The Bridge was recently lit to accent its trademark ironwork.
From this point on the Schuylkill Trail, one can continue downtown to Center City or proceed to Valley Forge by travelling through the Manayunk portion of the trail.
Return to starting point along trail.