WHY I LOVE MNYK: Meet Connor!

Apr 27, 2018 0 comments
WHY I LOVE MNYK: Meet Connor!

Are you a visitor or a resident of Manayunk?

I am resident. I've lived here for almost exactly one year. I live with my sister and attend school at Saint Joe’s.

What are a few of your favorite things to do in Manayunk?

I love just walking down Main Street or the towpath with Pepper (his pup) on a nice day like today. The food is another obvious favorite. There are so many great restaurants and bars around Manayunk.

Since the food of Manayunk is a favorite of yours, what is your favorite restaurant?

The Couch Tomato is definitely my favorite. They have a lot of great options and you can't go wrong with anything on their menu. I go there all time!

What recommendations do you have for new residents of Manayunk?

I recommend just taking advantage of all of the great things Manayunk has to offer and getting to know the great people around here. There's such a good mix of people and everyone is so friendly and inviting. Also, become aware of the parking options. Everyone needs to know about the parking!

What do you love about Manayunk?

I love Manayunk because it's so unique compared to other towns in the area andit's a great place for younger people to live. It's quiet and quaint but there is also always something to do.

Thanks Connor! Manayunk is glad to have you as a resident! Keep an eye out for us on the streets - you might be our next featured resident! If you are interested in being featured, email for details!

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