WHY I LOVE MNYK: Meet Lindsay and Thomas

Mar 02, 2018 0 comments
WHY I LOVE MNYK: Meet Lindsay and Thomas

Are you a visitor or resident to Manayunk?

Lindsay - I live here.

Thomas - I lived here for a good while and then I moved up to North Dakota and I came back here for the Super Bowl. I bleed green what can I say!

Why'd you move to Manayunk?

L- I moved because my fiancé lives here.

Do you have any favorite places to go?

L-Lucky's Last Chance is one of my favorites. There's so many good ones. The Manayunk Brewing Company is good, we're actually having our reception there!

What is your favorite hobby around Manayunk?

L- The trail is nice, going for runs on the trail. I go to RowZone which is an awesome place to workout and is convenient being right down the street.

T- Sightseeing. There is a lot of awesome places. You got St. Johns which is a nice church. You also can go up the canal where the start of the canal was actually made. It's all knocked down now, but sightseeing is one of the big things.

Have either of you been to any events in Manayunk?

L- I've been to the StrEAT Festival a couple of times with good food trucks and everything else. Last summer they had Parks on Tap where some of the parks had a pop up beer gardens, which was pretty cool.

T- The Arts Festival!

Finally, why do you love Manayunk?

L- Well I grew up in the suburbs so I'm not used to walking everywhere so it's nice to just be able to take a quick stroll to anything you need down on Main Street.

T- The history. This was an old Indian territory and the Schuylkill means "hidden river." Also fountain street at one time there were little spots where the horses could stop and drink because the flow from the river and everything. Trust me wherever I move to I know my history!

Thanks so much for talking to use Thomas and Lindsay! It's always great to meet such kind people. Keep an eye out on the streets! You never know when one of us may be asking around. Want to be our next featured resident? If you are interested please email intern@manayunk.com for details!

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