WHY I LOVE MNYK: Meet Dakota

Feb 23, 2018 0 comments
WHY I LOVE MNYK: Meet Dakota

Are you a visitor or a resident of Manayunk?

I am resident. I've lived here for about two years but I've lived in the Philly area my entire life.

Why did you decide to make the move to Manayunk?

I moved here because of the great neighborhood feel and the proximity to the Center City where I work. I knew I didn't want to live right in the city and its really easy to get to Center City from Manayunk.

Do you have any favorite restaurants or places around town?

My absolute favorite spot is Lucky's (Last Chance)! They have a great vibe and amazing food and drinks. I'm definitely a regular there.

Have you attended any of the events that occur here in Manayunk?

I never had the chance to attend any of the festivals because I work a lot on the weekends but I always go to restaurant week! My friends and I love that.

What recommendations do you have for new residents of Manayunk?

I recommend getting out and trying as many places on Main Street as possible. Find your favorite, go-to place! But everywhere is great so that might be a hard decision.

What do you love about Manayunk?

I love it here because it has the small town vibe and you get to know everyone. It's such a great community of people.

Thanks for the advice, Dakota! Manayunk is glad to have you as a new resident! Keep an eye out for us on the streets - you might be our next featured resident! If you are interested in being featured, email for details!

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