WHY I LOVE MNYK: Meet Patrick

Jan 26, 2018 0 comments
WHY I LOVE MNYK: Meet Patrick

What better way to find out the ins and outs of Manayunk than from the people themselves? It’s another week where we hit the streets for Why I Love MNYK, to ask Manayunk visitors and residents why they love where they live, shop, dine, and play.

This week we met Patrick at Volo Coffeehouse, a frequent visitor (and soon to be resident) of Manayunk. Keep reading to hear about his favorite places and why he decided to make the move to Manayunk!

Are you a visitor or a resident of Manayunk?

I am a visitor - but I'll actually be moving [to Manayunk] next week from North Philly.

Why did you decide to make the move to Manayunk?

I love the shops and the people here. It's clean and safe and overall very welcoming. There are always things to do, good nightlife and like I said before, everyone is just so nice!

Do you have any favorite restaurants or places around town?

Sona Pub & Kitchen is a really great bar but everywhere I've been here is good. All the coffee shops are great too. You can't really go wrong.

Have you attended any of the events that occur here in Manayunk?

I have been here for the food festivals with friends, which was a lot of fun. I'm looking forward to coming to more events when I move here, there is always something going on.

What recommendations do you have for visitors to Manayunk?

I always go running or biking on the trail so I would definitely suggest they check that out. Especially on a nice, warm day it's something really fun to do.

What do you love about Manayunk?

Anyone can come here to relax or have fun or have dinner and just feel welcomed. It's very eclectic, but cozy as well.

Thanks for the advice, Patrick! Manayunk is glad to have you as a new resident! Keep an eye out for us on the streets - you might be our next featured resident! If you are interested in being featured, email for details!

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