WHY I LOVE MNYK: Meet Carleigh & Maureen

Nov 10, 2017 0 comments
WHY I LOVE MNYK: Meet Carleigh & Maureen

By: Matt Baldino

This week we talked to Carleigh & Maureen! See what they love about Manayunk and where the best cup of coffee is around town. Check them out!

Do you live in Manayunk?

Carleigh: Yes, this is my first year living in Manayunk here on Dexter Street.

Maureen: I am in the same boat as her. We have lived together for three years and just moved to Manayunk at the end of the summer.

What food places have you been to so far that you really like?

Carleigh: We go to Greg's Kitchen a lot on Saturday and Sunday mornings. They have great brunch foods there.

Maureen: I also really like Winnie's brunch. Bayou has great mid-week food and drink specials that we go to a lot as well.

Since you guys both seem to really like to get brunch around town, what place has the best cup of coffee?

Carleigh: Volo for sure. I love their vanilla cold brew coffee.

Maureen: I would say Volo as well. Whenever I go there I always get a carmel iced coffee.

Have you heard of or been to any MDC Events?

Carleigh: We both went to the Fall StrEAT Festival which was a great time. The food options and the live bands were awesome.

Maureen: I agree. We were there for three hours just walking around trying a bunch of different foods and drinks. It was a blast.

Why do you love Manayunk?

Carleigh: I love all of the food options and being able to walk around Main Street and see so many familiar faces from the shops or bars that I go to.

Maureen: Along with all of that, I love the atmosphere around town. Especially with the holidays coming up, the atmosphere around here is awesome with Main Street decorated and things like that.

Once again, keep an eye out for us on the streets - you might be our next featured resident or visitor! If you are a resident or visitor of Manayunk that is interested in being featured, email for details!

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