WHY I LOVE MNYK: Meet Kayla & Jen

Sep 22, 2017 0 comments
WHY I LOVE MNYK: Meet Kayla & Jen

By: Tatiana Codnor-Perry

As much as we love the perspective of frequent Manayunk visitors, it's always good to get a fresh perspective every once in awhile. Kayla and Jen are just that - newcomers to a town of familiar faces!

Are you from Manayunk? If not, what brings you here?

Kayla: We're not from around here... We just came because I need to get my iPhone fixed!

What do you think of the area so far?

Kayla: It's super cute.

Jen: It's really cool! We went to eat at the Manayunk Tavern and that was really good.

Did it leave a good impression?

Kayla: It was yummy! We'll definitely come back.

Jen: We said as soon as we walked down here, like, we're gonna be coming back here more to check out the shops and everything. It's really nice.

Have you heard of our events?

Jen: I saw a lot of flyers of things you guys have, like the food week.

Kayla: We definitely want to check them out.

What do you like about Manayunk so far?

Kayla: It seems like such a cute little area, I definitely want to come back and check out all the other stuff you guys have.

Jen: It seems like there's a lot to do, so I'm excited to check it out more!

Once again, keep an eye out for us on the streets - you might be our next featured resident or visitor! If you are a resident or visitor of Manayunk that is interested in being featured, email for details!

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