Jun 16, 2017 0 comments Tags: Why I Love MNYK, Manayunk

By Maria Matysik

What better way to find out the ins and outs of Manayunk than from the people themselves? It’s another week where we hit the streets for Why I Love MNYK, to ask Manayunk visitors and residents why they love where they live, shop, dine, and play.

This week we met Gen, a Temple student and new resident to Manayunk. Find out about her favorite Main Street spot, enthusiasm to get involved in the community and the Manayunk event she is most excited to attend this summer.

How long have you been living in Manayunk? What brought you here?

I have been living in Manayunk for three weeks now. I moved to the area to start an internship in the mayor's office. A lot of my friends lived here, and they all enjoyed it...so I was like, "Ok, I'm going to go too!"

Have you attended any of the Manayunk Development Corporation events since you moved? If so, which one/ones?

I haven't since I moved to the area, but I'm definitely going to the arts festival next weekend! Being from Bucks County, I have attended the event in the past and would like to go again. There's a lot of different art and tons of delicious food and drink. It's a fun time!

What is your new favorite spot on Main Street?

I go to Volo Coffeehouse almost every morning. I'm always there!

Do you see yourself getting involved in the community? If so, how?

Yeah! Now that I work in the mayor's office, I definitely want to look into maybe getting involved in some committees.

Why do you love Manayunk?

I like the fact that you are in the city but still get the small town vibe. It feels like everyone already knows each other. I love that.

Welcome to Manayunk, Gen! Keep an eye out for us on the street next week for your chance to share why YOU love MNYK in our newest blog series. If you would like to be featured, email intern@manayunk.org for details.

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