A Manayunk Love Story

Apr 25, 2017 0 comments
A Manayunk Love Story

By Rachel Jenkins

Love is in the air in Manayunk! In honor of Valentine’s Day this past February, we announced our “Get Engaged in Manayunk” package, and embarked on a mission to find a deserving local couple to stage a Manayunk proposal.

After sifting through applicants, Sarah Bianco’s story stood out right away. Sarah and her girlfriend Kimmie had both grown up in Manayunk, and were friends since grade school. Four years ago, Kimmie had a son whose father passed away, tragically, before he was born. Sarah stood by Kimmie’s side during that difficult time, and soon their romantic relationship blossomed. When she contacted us, Sarah had been hoping to marry Kimmie and officially adopt their son for months. She had a ring ready, but was waiting for the perfect moment to propose.

Needless to say, we were touched by their story. After weeks of planning and scheduling, Sarah and the MDC office set a date for the surprise. On April 11, Sarah took Kimmie, their 4-year-old son, and his grandmother for a walk on the towpath to enjoy the beautiful 80-degree weather. Little did Kimmie know we were “filming” an episode of Manayunk Mornings at Canal View Park, waiting to capture the proposal on camera!

We brought Kimmie over to our camera for a staged interview and asked Kimmie what she loved about Manayunk, then we turned to Sarah and asked her what she loved about Kimmie. Sarah then got down on one knee, and their son was at the ready with a homemade sign to help pop the question. Kimmie was naturally overwhelmed, but of course, she said yes!

After a photo shoot by the canal, Jake’s and Cooper’s Wine Bar treated the happy couple to a special dinner. The table was styled courtesy of Pineapple on Main, complete with a Manayunk gift basket donated by Main Street merchants including Latitudes and Longitudes, LILA Fashion International, Nicole Miller, and Salon L.

We’re so happy to have given a special proposal experience to such a deserving Manayunk couple. Special thanks to Terry Leahy Films, Jake’s and Cooper’s Wine Bar, Pineapple on Main, Latitudes and Longitudes, Salon L, LILA Fashion International, and Nicole Miller for helping make this proposal a success. And of course, a big congratulations to Sarah and Kimmie, who plan to stay in Manayunk to raise their son after the wedding. Here’s to many blissful years together!

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