The Heart of Manayunk…

Aug 02, 2016 0 comments
The Heart of Manayunk…

So the beating begins as you view the skyline; but to feel the town’s heart you must first become intertwined

Slip on your sneakers and clear your mind; for you must walk, to feel the spirit you seek to find
Upon the Tow Path we gradually find our place; as others settle in, at their own distinctive pace
The canal is a place where our feathery friends reside; the herons, the ducks, beauty that cannot be denied

Occasional verses etched into the path’s gravel and dirt; a message perhaps, or a subtle way to flirt
A train rumbles by to an unknown destination; and you wonder if the endpoint meets the passenger’s expectations

You come upon an abandoned train station; and your mind wanders back, to the time of its creation
A trip into town is always a delight; with vintage shops and custom merchandise, sure to excite
Candlelit tables inspiring couples to dine; warm summer evenings perfect for sharing a good bottle of wine

Quaint bars line the streets waiting for young and old alike; enjoy a good beer, small starters, a place for all to unite

The people are the essence of this small classic town; a melting pot of cultures moved in and settled down

Festivals of all varieties visit Manayunk’s Main Street; the arts, food trucks, and locals rousing a music beat

Don’t miss the pretzel icon in famous Pretzel Park; chatting couples on blankets while dogs speak with a bark

From churches in the distance you can hear the bells chime; the rings are equivalent to a precise hourly time

Traffic jams aplenty as cars maneuver roads of twists; narrow pathways and no parking is the reality that exists

Personalized graffiti is used to display an individual’s mark; but the realism is, these are beautiful expressions of art

The “wall” is a famous landmark quite difficult to navigate; the biggest challenge for cyclists and one to celebrate

This city in the historic district displays a Victorian flare; a distinctive settlement where charm can be found everywhere

So you may ask why one would leave such a perfect little place; perhaps the secret is beyond what one can face

Nonetheless the experience is one to never forget; enrichment where the body and soul will connect

By: Wendy Kirkhoff

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