ONE-ON-ONE: Jackie Bendana from Dwelling

Feb 29, 2016 0 comments
ONE-ON-ONE: Jackie Bendana from Dwelling

Dwelling is a unique furniture store that has been on Main Street since 2002. They strive to “provide their clients with all of the resources necessary to transform any space into somthing that exudes beauty, provides comfort, and reflects the people who dwell there”.  The store features multiple brands and has furniture for every unique style. We were lucky enough to sit down with store manager Jackie Bendana  and learn a little more about Dwellings.

1. Describe Dwelling in three words.

“Stylish, eclectic, expansive”

2. What makes the Dwelling furniture unique?

"Dwelling is not a furniture store it is a design solution. We not only carry some of the most exciting furniture brands and styles, but we also give our clients a personal touch through our design services. We take extra care in picking out each piece whether it is something large like a sofa or a small accessory like a wall sconce. The staff at Dwelling gives attention to the entire space and how all components work together."

3. What’s your favorite room in your house? Why?

“The bedroom - I absolutely love my bed and sleep is the best thing in the world.”

4. If you could you design furniture for anyone in the world, alive or dead, who would it be and why?

After pondering it over she decided on Marilyn Monroe, “think of all the texture and tones she wore like in the famous white dress image. She exuded the Hollywood Glam look and translating that classic look into furniture would be very fun.”

5. What’s the best piece of advice you have ever received?

Pertaining to life it’s “do not sweat the small stuff" and in reference to design "I would say opt for color instead of white, why would you live a life without color?"

6. Describe your style in one word?

“I really like things when they are comfortable." She continues to elaborate "this does not have to mean messy or that you can not add a little sophistication, but a space should feel comfortable, just like in my clothing I always aim to look great but be comfortable while doing so."

7. What would you do if you won the lottery?

“Save it” She also adds "I would keep working here at Dwelling because I thoroughly enjoy my job.

8. What’s your favorite part of the job?

"It is so much fun being able to sit down with a client, listen to their needs, and design spaces for them. I love the furniture industry because it allows you to be creative and it is such a great feeling when a room really comes together."

9. What’s your favorite food to cook?

“Oh, enchiladas...I love them!”

10. I love Manayunk because…

I love how close and accessible everything is in ManayunkIt reminds me of a place I lived in San Francisco that had the same charming small town feel.

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