Stephanie & Tom's MNYK Love Story

Feb 08, 2016 0 comments
Stephanie & Tom's MNYK Love Story

Stephanie and Tom met while in an art class in high school and had been close friends for nearly ten years before she ever visited him in Manayunk. In 2014, she had just gone through a series of significant life changes and Tom invited her down to visit the area to get her mind off of things. They had not seen each other in nearly two years and this would be her inaugural visit to Manayunk. When she arrived she was blown away by how the narrow, and steep the streets were and was made nervous by the close parallel parking. Luckily for her, it had just snowed six inches the night before too! She hopped out of her car and Tom wowed her with his advanced uphill parking skills while she held her breath and hoped her car wouldn't tumble down the hill once she left it!

He took her to Jake and Cooper's Wine Bar for the absolute best bottle of pinot noir they have ever had and spent the evening laughing and joking. After their first date, he kept inviting her to visit and she continued to enjoy everything Manayunk has to offer. Thankfully for Stephanie’s parking fears, she and Tom currently live at the top of Levering St. and continue to love everything about the Manayunk. They can often be found around town doing everything from grabbing a drink at the Hilltown Tavern, to checking out the newest pieces of art at Orbit Art Gallery, and can always be found at the Philadelphia Cycling Classic. The anniversary of their first date is on February 8th and they smile every time they think back to that fateful first bottle of wine they shared right here in Manayunk.

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  1. Cheryl SchollFeb 11, 2016 at 09:27 PM


  2. Sarah TwingFeb 12, 2016 at 09:40 AM

    Best of luck, Steph! Love you! Xoxo

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