Genevieve & Joe's MNYK Love Story

Feb 08, 2016 0 comments
Genevieve & Joe's MNYK Love Story

Joe and Genevieve met the summer before their Junior year of college. Together, after graduation they decided to move to Manayunk and have been living here for the last 3 years. In July of 2014 they bought their first home in, you guessed it, Manayunk! Manayunk has been the place they started their life together, adopted their three cats, and continue to call home. After over five wondrous years together, this past December 30th, Joe proposed to Genevieve up above Manayunk on the bridge! Afterward, they celebrated with her family, right here in Manayunk and are hoping to be married, here in Manayunk, at Artesano Gallery.

Manayunk is so special to them, especially after their recent engagement right here where they call home. Joe and Genevieve absolutely love the summers here, all the restaurants, bars, and festivals. They couldn’t picture living anywhere else and couldn’t imagine having experienced so many milestones with each other without the added charm and beauty of Manayunk!


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  1. Pam FaulknerFeb 11, 2016 at 09:21 PM

    Congratulations, Joe! Happy that you finally popped the question. I'll be in touch.

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