Danielle & Misha's MNYK Love Story

Feb 08, 2016 0 comments
Danielle & Misha's MNYK Love Story

Misha and Danielle had been acquaintances for years, having orginally met through her ex-boyfriend! He was a Russian-born, endlessly positive guy with a consulting job she didn't understand; she was a bubbly grad student with a splash of Israeli-Moroccan fierceness. Unbeknownst to one another, they both went through a break-up with their then significant others on the same week! They commiserated with each other and started hanging out. They spent evenings at his apartment, on Green Lane, trying out new recipes, a.k.a. burning food. Sometimes they order pizza with friends from what was then Caputo's, and with each passing hang session they begin to develop massive, secret crushes on one another.

One warm fall night, Saturday October 2nd 2010, before heading to Bourbon Blue, their friends gathered at his apartment. Sometime around midnight they headed back, and as their other friends stretched, yawned, and said their goodbyes, Misha and Danielle stayed up talking until 5am. As he walked her to her car, she leaned in for a hug , but he went in for a kiss! Fireworks exploded! The next day he asked if she wanted to go for a walk along the Schuylkill River trail, but their first official date was the following week at Mango Moon. Only eleven short months later they were engaged! Although they currently live across the bridge in Bala Cynwyd with their 18-month-old, Avi, Manayunk is still their backyard, and it will always hold a special place their hearts.

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