Ali & Bill's MNYK Love Story

Feb 08, 2016 0 comments
Ali & Bill's MNYK Love Story

Ali and Bill met in 2007, but it should have been a lot sooner than that. Over the years, they had numerous situations in which their ships crossed in the night. Ali grew up in East Falls and Bill grew up in Andorra. Both of their fathers were Philadelphia Police Officers. To top it off, her sister-in-law used to work at the former Grape Street Philadelphia (where Mad River currently resides) with Bill, which is how and where, their paths finally crossed. Bill worked behind the bar and Ali was a bit of a regular. They spent countless hours chatting and enjoying each other’s company while he toiled away. Eventually, they took it online and once she read his writing it was done. She was in full on crush mode - hard!

After their first kiss, the night before the Philadelphia International Cycling Classic, she was floating on cloud nine and there was just no coming down. They are now married, are Manayunk homeowners and are raising their little man, Emmett, who was born this past summer, to love Manayunk as much as they do. This summer they plan on showing him the splendor of Venice Island and taking him to as many of their favorite Main Street spots as possible. Manayunk has been at the center of their love story, from the beginning, and will continue to be for the years to come.

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  1. NatalieFeb 09, 2016 at 09:10 AM

    I love Ali and Bill, and they really do love Manayunk. Such a sweet story.

  2. JessicaFeb 09, 2016 at 03:28 PM

    Soulmates! Bill and Ali are one of my favorite couples of a time! Their love makes everyone happy! :)

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