Kathy and Tayrn, interior designers, event stylists, AND owners of Harris & Tweed Interiors, had us inspired during this week's One-On-One Interview. These fun-loving women had us smiling the entire time as they shared with us little tidbits of their lives. Experience for yourself why there is never a dull moment with Kathy and Taryn!
1. What was the last picture you took with your phone?
Kathy quickly asked "can I look" and pulled up a picture of her wearing a gorgeous piece of jewelry. She explained that she had gone to Susan Beard's event and Norma Mann, from Gary Mann Jewelers, gave them jewelry to wear."
Taryn pulled out her phone and immediately started laughing. She took a picture at a stop light of a star wars sticker family on a car. She said "I always think they are so funny and we having a running joke with friends but my brother likes star wars."
2. If you were famous what would you be famous for?
Kathy and Taryn are extraordinary women who have opened a business doing what they love. Kathy would be famous for being a "single mom and building a business." She wants to serve as a role model to single moms everywhere.
Taryn confidently shared that she wants to be "famous for being a young entrepreneur" to beat the stereotype that the younger generations don't want to work. Kathy agreed with Taryn and confirmed that she would be on Forbes' 30 under 30's list!
3. If you could only keep 3 possession what would they be?
Both Kathy and Taryn had to think about this question. Kathy ultimately decided "my phone without a doubt, my locket, and my handbag."
Taryn quickly chose her "Nana's ring because I never take it off." She followed by asking "if contacts are considered a possessions?" And if so, she would choose both "contacts and glasses because sometimes I want to take them out." Taryn's last possession would be her handbag as well.
4. What's one thing you want the world to know about Harris & Tweed Interiors?
Kathy wants the world to know that she and Taryn are the "coolest designers out there right now."
Taryn said that Harris & Tweed Interiors headliner would be "Young Women Who Never Clock Out." They work until they get the job done and never fully shut down.
However, they both agree that when working with them, everything is a party.
5. Describe your style in one word.
Both Kathy and Taryn had a difficult time answering this question. Kathy said "everything we do it very put together whether it's a room or our outfits." Taryn responded similarly by saying "clean." She also said "bright comes to mind."
6. What's your favorite room in your house? Why?
This question was a no brainer for both of these women. Kathy's dining room is her favorite because of its peacock wall. Her and Taryn did a "color block with six rows of squares and we used metallic and peacock color paints." Kathy further explained that she changes her home a million of times however that wall always stays the same.
Taryn's favorite is her "morning room because of the chairs. At the end of my kitchen I have this little area that has windows on each side and a door that goes outside." Kathy added that Taryn's morning room has "awesome lighting in the morning and is very serene."
7. What's one thing you'd rather pay someone to do than do yourself? Why?
Taryn excitedly answered "my nails!" whereas Kathy exclaimed "oh someone to clean my house, not even my house but my bathrooms!"
8. What's a motto you live by?
"Don't glorify busy," Kathy responded. "That's a big thing for me. Everyone is busy with a million things to do. Don't glorify busy because that's where excuses come from." Taryn immediately said "everything happens for a reason!"
9. Where do you want to travel to?
Taryn's next stop is France, though she has "a thousand places" she wants to travel to. Kathy wants to travel for design inspiration. She wants them "to go somewhere amazing just to get inspiration." She knows it will happen one day.
10. We love Manayunk because of the collaborate spirit and the welcoming community!
We can honestly say that spending time with Kathy and Taryn is a blast. They truly have a passion for their business and it is apparent that their hearts are fully committed to making it a success. If you are ready to be inspired, head on over to Pineapple on Main today to meet these incredible women yourself!
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Email: info@manayunk.org