7 DAY SPOTLIGHT: The Animedic Veterinary Clinic

Oct 22, 2015 0 comments
7 DAY SPOTLIGHT: The Animedic Veterinary Clinic

Hey all of you cat and dog lovers out there! Allow me to formally introduce you to Dr. Jennifer Jones, the current lead veterinarian at The Animedic Veterinary Clinic in Manayunk! Dr. Jones' passion for animals started at a very early age. "My parents always have been animal lovers," she explained. Dr. Jones rescued pets her whole life, growing up mainly with pit bulls, her love for the breed has carried over into her adult life. She has a 14 year old pit bull who peacefully lounges around the front hall of Animedic. As well, she has Strider, her rescued cat that hangs around the clinic, charming animals and people alike. Dr. Jones seems to do it all, while caring for her dog, cats, four children, and veterinary clinic she still found time to allow for this exclusive 7 day spotlight interview.

However, Dr. Jones and her office pets aren't the only VIP members over at Animedic! There are many staff members, both new and old, who deserve some recognition! Fran, Kelly, Darlene, Courtney, Brian and Bill also work with Dr. Jones to keep cats and dogs happy and healthy! Although each of them has varying amounts of experience, they all come together as a friendly staff for your furry friends. What we found to be so noteworthy about Dr. Jones was that she not only named every staff member she has hired, but as well she was able to tell an immense amount of information about each and every one of them! It is clear that at Animedic, Dr. Jones cares equally about your pets as she does her staff!

Besides the emotional aspect of loving and nurturing cats and dogs, we were wondering what services  Animedic readily offers, as they opened not even a year ago on December 4th, 2014. How does state of art, full services for all cats and dogs sound? But that's just the beginning. Animedic offers human quality antibiotics and surgeries, dental cleaning, and even urgent care during their office hours. Dr. Jones mentioned that on certain occasions, she will do house calls and administer multi-pet discounts! Aside from the services they provide, Animedic participates in rescue work services. Animedic guarantees your satisfaction with the owner and staffs' love and dedication for the job. Regardless of your reason for visiting Animedic, you will leave knowing you made the right choice for you and your furry friends!


Most pet owners would agree that relationships with pets mimic those of family members. This is what Dr. Jones talked about when asked about the highs and lows of being in her field. Although being a veterinarian is extremely rewarding for Dr. Jones, she did mention the hardship that can come with the job. "Putting animals to sleep is really tough and emotionally draining," explained Dr. Jones. "I will only do it if it is medically necessary, and if it is the best thing for the animal." However difficult her job can be at times, Dr. Jones did share with us some of the reasons she loves her job. "I'm a people person, I love getting to know people and talking and getting to know their stories about their animals," gushed Dr. Jones. "I've been doing this for twelve years now, and I'm not burnt out!"

"Being a vet is essentially the same as having a partnership with the pet owner, to ensure you provide the best quality care for pets," said Jones. Are you interested in being a veterinarian? Listen to what Dr. Jones from The Animedic Clinic has in regard to advice and wise words! "Be passionate and never give up. You need to be dedicated and always know your path. Also, start early. Never take a summer off. By that I mean take internships and jobs that are vet-oriented." The amount of work and time that Dr. Jones has dedicated to her career is unfathomable at times. "Honestly, I would do it all over again if I had too. From working with animals, to opening my own business, I love what I've done and everything I still do!"

It is comforting to know that the passion Dr. Jones' has for her job equates to the passion she has for the Manayunk are. "Manayunk is the dog friendly capital of the world!" exclaimed Dr. Jones when asked why she chose the current location for Animedic. All joking aside, Dr. Jones explained the close proximity to many rescue groups and pet friendly stores aided in her decision making process. Plus, it's no secret that Manayunk is home to hundreds of runners who are often spotted with their dogs. Also, Dr. Jones explained that she lives nearby, and she bought her home when she had just begun veterinary school. "I did house calls in the area for two years while I was building the clinic." The pet friendly environment and proximity to her home were two of her reasons for choosing Manayunk. Dr. Jones also gushed about her love for the area in general. She has four children that she raises in the Manayunk area, and she wouldn't have it any other way! 

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