ONE-ON-ONE: Chris from Lucky's Last Chance

Oct 12, 2015 0 comments
ONE-ON-ONE: Chris from Lucky's Last Chance


Chris, the owner of Lucky's Last Chance, is a Manayunk Veteran. He exemplifies the spirit of Manayunk business owners in his passion for his restaurant, customers, and employees. His love for food lead him to opening his restaurant centered around hotdogs, burgers, and beer. The enthusiasm and energy he gives off, makes it evident that he is doing what he loves. We sat down with Chris for a one-on-one interview to find out more about the foodie that he truly is.

If you were a piece of food or a beverage, what would you be? Why?

It is no surprise that this was the most challenging question for Chris. As a food lover, he had a difficult time narrowing down to his favorite. Chris skipped over this question and  answered it last.  His decision was "Dr. Pepper. 100% of the time."

What would I find in your refrigerator right now?

"Beer. Dr. Pepper. Snapple. 8 kinds of cheese." Chris admitted that he could probably live off of just cheese and we definitely agree with that statement!

If you won the lottery, what would you do with the money?

Chris would road trip across the United States, eating and trying food in different cities. One time he road tripped down to New Orleans where he just ate BBQ the whole way down.

What's your favorite part of your job?

Chris also had a difficult time answering this question. He narrowed it down to teaching his employees and his customers. He loves teaching his employees about craft beers. When he hires employees who don't like beer, he takes it upon himself to find them the perfect "transitional beer." He believes that there really is a beer for everyone. However, he loves his customers as well. His customers make the decisions on what he does. "They are the lifeblood of who we are," says Chris. When testing new menu items, he loves going after new customers. These customers provide an unbiased perspective. If they love the item, it will be on the menu, if they don't love it, the item won't make the menu. "I love getting people excited about food."

Why Lucky's Last Chance?

Chris loves "casual roadside greasy spoon joints that are really good with one or two things." He opened his restaurant and is finally excited about what he does. Although Chris, still works hard to run his business, he has found the value in doing what you love.

If you had to choose between only eating burgers for the rest of your life or only eating hot dogs what would you choose?

"Hotdogs. They are my ultimate comfort food."

Who would win the fight: Batman or Spiderman? Why?

"Batman. Cause he's batman." He also added that the only person who could beat batman would be Chuck Norris.

What is your favorite thing to do in your spare time?


If you had a warning label, what would yours say?

"No filter, easily distracted by food."

I love Manayunk because it is "the greatest neighborhood in the smallest, big city." He loves the small town charm but having everything the city has to offer. He also loves the independent stores and the ability to walk into stores on Main Street and meeting owners.

When you go to Lucky's you know you are getting quality food because of the passion Chris shows for his job. So if you are looking to get excited about food, head to Lucky's and meet Chris yourself! 




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