EVENT RECAP: My FUN, First Experience at the 24th Annual Manayunk Arts Festival!

Jul 02, 2013 0 comments
EVENT RECAP:  My FUN, First Experience at the 24th Annual Manayunk Arts Festival!

Post by: Jen Diehl, Summer 2013 Intern

This summer marked the start of my internship with the Manayunk Development Corporation, as well as my first-ever Manayunk Art Festival! As a rising-senior at Penn State University, I was in search of a summer internship that would offer a variety of learning experiences and fun atmosphere. In working with Marketing and Events Coordinator, Caitlin Maloney, and Public Relations and Events Coordinator, Alicia Dietzmann; I got just that! Preparing for the 24th Annual Manayunk Arts Festival was no easy feat, but the MDC team pulled it off flawlessly and taught me many things along the way! I also had the pleasure of collaborating with our two other interns, Anna Dietzmann and Kelly Whelihan, in Arts Festival planning.

Events as large as the Manayunk Arts Festival involve DETAILED planning and a great amount of teamwork. As MDC interns, our main responsibilities in Arts Festival planning included coordinating the Artist VIP Party, securing and scheduling volunteers, scheduling and managing social media posts, as well as a variety of other event logistics.

The Artist VIP Party, held at the Manayunk Brewery, offered volunteers and vendors “a taste of Manayunk”.  Several restaurants on Main Street brought some of their most popular dishes for all to try; and try, and try, and try. The delicious food, good music, and good company was the best way to kick off the weekend festivities!

The Arts Festival opened to the public Saturday, June 22nd, and Sunday, June 23rd. I began the day by working with staff and volunteers in checking- in nearly 300 vendors as well as other set up necessities. Getting a “behind the scenes” look at set-up was a bit overwhelming at first, but several of the vendors and volunteers participated in years past and quickly got me into the pattern! After a whirlwind of a morning, crowds began pouring in at 11am. It was so rewarding to see such large crowds enjoying the Arts Festival. Our MNYK “swag” tent and step and repeat pictures were hits! Both days, the crowd enjoyed a flash mob coordinated by Merge Dance Studio of Cresson Street. On Sunday, we all joined in for the YMCA at the end of their routine! I also had the opportunity to walk through the festival with my family on Sunday and get a “spectator’s view” of the entire event, which put all efforts into perspective. We were also blessed by an afternoon cloud to relieve us from the heat!

I was truly amazed at the efforts of the volunteers and staff; the show could NEVER go on without their help! I appreciated my experience of the Manayunk Arts Festival more so because of my involvement with the planning. Every event I am involved in from here on out will be compared to planning for the Manayunk Arts Festival; and I’m sure nothing will compare!





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