Check out the impressive list of food trucks that will be at the StrEAT Food Festival on April 13th.
JL Racing is the newest store on the block.
Check out the Spiral Salon, monthly at the Spiral Bookcase.
The application is now available, through March 6th.
New Personalized Fitness Center in Manayunk!
Save the date, April 13th-26th.
Crowds flocked to Main Street last weekend to witness the ice carving extravaganza!
Friday, January 25 the Titanic was carved out of pure ice on the steps of the Franklin Institute. The event served as a preview for what icy events will be in store during Manayunk On Ice, February 8-10.
Visit the Manayunk Development Corporation Contact page for full contact information.
Phone: 215-482-9565
Office: 106 Grape Street, Philadelphia, PA 19127
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