National Houseplant Appreciation Day

Jan 06, 2023 0 comments
National Houseplant Appreciation Day

It’s 2023, the holiday decor is out and the new year's resolutions are in full swing. If becoming a plant parent was on your goals list, January 10th is your perfect mid-month motivation! National houseplant appreciation day is right around the corner and Manayunk is ready.

There are two plant shops local to Manayunk that are there to make your lively home a reality.

Safa Plant Co.

Located on 4165 Main, Safa is home to all your vining greens and spikey succulent needs. When you walk in, you are surrounded by tons of Hoya, and Alocasias too! They have common plants that are friendly to first time plant owners, as well as uncommon and rare plants all at a very fair price. You will also find pots and various plant care items like plant misters, fungicides, and care guides. Safa does more than just plants, the plant store doubles as a Persian Tea House. When shopping for your plant, take a break for a delectable Persian lunch and tea.

Artesano Cafe

If you mix an ever-growing jungle with an elegant cafe, you will get Artesano! Artesano Cafe has so much more than just their specialty coffees and gourmet light bites. Their store features indoor plants perfect for you to bring home, or put in your office. They have hundreds of hand crafted artisan terracotta pots, paired perfectly with the plant that is in it. The beautiful pottery makes the monstera or pothos being held by it all the more beautiful.

How do you know what plant is right for your home?

Ask your local plant shop! They will be happy to show you what they have to offer, what is right for the location you are going to put a plant in, and offer you additional care tips.

Still need one more push before you invest in your new green hobby?

10 benefits of keeping plants in your home:

  1. Houseplants Reduce Harmful Indoor Air Pollutants
  2. Houseplants Can Help Reduce Signs of Stress
  3. Add plants to Your Bedroom for Improved Sleep
  4. Houseplants Increase Indoor Humidity
  5. Working With Plants Can Combat Depression and Anxiety
  6. Indoor Plants Reduce Allergens
  7. Plants Reduce Sound Pollution
  8. Houseplants Can Improve Physical Health and Healing
  9. Plants Improve Concentration, Productivity, and Creativity in the Workplace
  10. Grow Your Own Edible and Medicinal Houseplants on a Budget
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