WHY I LOVE MNYK: Meet Kenneth

Sep 28, 2019 0 comments
WHY I LOVE MNYK: Meet Kenneth

How long have you been a resident of Manayunk ?

I grew up here in the city right here in the neighborhood my parents lived here and so did their parents and I still have family here.

Whats your favorite part of Manayunk and why ?

It used to be the family ties but now it definitely the community and how safe it is.

If you had one or two things that made Manayunk feel like home to you what would they be ?

It already feels like home it always felt like home to me.

When did you first know you loved Manayunk ?

Since I was a little kid I loved Manayunk it's a shame they got rid of the Canal Day parade that would probably be the first time I realized I loved Manayunk at that parade.

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