WHY I LOVE MNYK: Meet Steve!

Aug 16, 2019 0 comments
WHY I LOVE MNYK: Meet Steve!

Do you live in Manayunk or are you just visiting?

Just visiting, I live in the Blue Bell area.

What brings you to Manayunk?

I bike down to this coffee shop quite often. [Volo Coffeehouse]

Do you have any favorite restaurants in Manayunk?

Whenever I come to MNYK I usually either stop for coffee at Volo, or head to Winnies for some breakfast.

What are some of your favorite things to do in Manayunk?

My favorite thing to do is probably bike around the area or just sit out enjoy coffee and take in Main St.

Describe Manayunk in 3 words.

Lively, Friendly, Hip

Why do you love Manayunk?

I enjoy the people, accessibility, and just the atmosphere that you can find in Manayunk. There is something for everyone and its a great spot to sit out and visit with any type of person.

Thanks so much Steve, it was great talking to you.

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