WHY I LOVE MNYK Blog: Meet Tim!

May 31, 2019 0 comments
WHY I LOVE MNYK Blog: Meet Tim!

What better way to find out the ins and outs of Manayunk than from the people themselves? It’s another week where we hit the streets for Why I Love Manayunk, to ask Manayunk visitors and residents why they love where they live, shop, dine, and play.

This week we got the chance to chat with Tim who lives right on the outskirts of Manayunk. Find out what draws him to visiting Manayunk and why he loves this town!

Do you live in Manayunk or are you just visiting?

"I live in the West Pine area, so I do not live in Manayunk."

What brings you to Manayunk today?
"Kismet. I'm testing out a space here today."

What is your favorite part about Manayunk?
"My favorite part...well I cycle. I like the path along the water."

Do you have any favorite restaurants?
"We frequently go to Couch Tomato because I have three kids. They probably get most of my business here."

Can you describe Manayunk in three words?
"Near the water."

Lastly, why do you love Manayunk?
"I love it because it's super close to home, still feels urban, but it's bike friendly and easy to park."

Thanks for chatting with us Tim! It was so nice talking to you!

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