Why I Love MNYK: Meet Bobbi and Charlene

Apr 26, 2019 0 comments
Why I Love MNYK: Meet Bobbi and Charlene

What better way to find out the ins and outs of Manayunk than from the people themselves? It’s another week where we hit the streets for Why I Love Manayunk, to ask Manayunk visitors and residents why they love where they live, shop, dine, and play.

This week we talked to a Bobbi and Charlene, local students! Find out what their favorite things to do in Manayunk are and why they love the town.

Do you live in Manayunk or are you just visiting?

Both: We live here!

What brings you to Manayunk?

Both: School. We go to St. Joe's

Any favorite restaurants?

Bobbi: We love Volo. It is probably our favorite place. Anyone could probably catch us here, everyday.

Charlene: Han Dynasty too, we really like it there.

Favorite thing to do in Manayunk?

Charlene: We love walking on the Manayunk Bridge. Almost every Saturday morning we go and walk down the trail.

Bobbi: We love to shop at all the shops and visit the restaurants that have outside seating, especially when it is nice out.

Describe Manayunk in a few words.

Charlene: Community, friendly...

Bobbi: I feel like it’s artsy and a little bit edgy!

Why do you love Manayunk?

Charlene: It is so accessible. I feel like I don’t have to get in my car to go somewhere. I can just walk down the street and go to the corner store or get groceries. Also, the train is here. I work in the city so I can just jump on the train and go right there. It’s perfect!

Thanks so much for chatting with us today! Good luck with your senior year of college!

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