WHY I LOVE MYNK: Meet Laura Sibson!

Mar 01, 2019 0 comments
WHY I LOVE MYNK: Meet Laura Sibson!

By Samantha Renn

What better way to find out the ins and outs of Manayunk than from the people themselves? It’s another week where we hit the streets for Why I Love Manayunk, to ask Manayunk visitors and residents why they love where they live, shop, dine, and play.

We met with Laura Sibson to find out why she loves Manayunk. Meet the author of The Art of Breaking Things, a new young adult novel coming out this June! To see what’s new with Laura, check out her website laurasibson.com, Twitter: @laurasibson or Instagram: @lauraosibson

Do you live in Manayunk or are you just visiting?

I am just visiting. I live in Chestnut Hill.

What brings you to Manayunk?

I workout down the street with Kasey at GoalsFit and I generally come to Volo to write. I’m an author.

Do you have any favorite restaurants in Manayunk?

I mostly come to Volo, but on the weekends my husband and I will go to Yanako or Han Dynasty.

What is your favorite thing to do in Manayunk?

Definitely, drink coffee and write my book!

Describe Manayunk in 3 words.

Charming, walkable, and delicious.

Thanks for speaking with us, Laura and happy writing!

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