WHY I LOVE MNYK: Meet Liv and Mila

Oct 26, 2018 0 comments
WHY I LOVE MNYK: Meet Liv and Mila

Are you a resident of Manayunk?

I am! I just moved here in the beginning of September.

What brings you to Manayunk?

I just moved back from Ohio-- my family is from here though so I moved back and I work out in Ambler and felt like I needed something in the middle so here I am! And it happened by chance, an old childhood friend was like, "I need someone to move in" so it worked out.

Do you have any favorite spots or restuarants?

I live right by Hillside Park, and there's a pool so I spend a lot of time there with Mila. And there are these really big turtles on the playground and they are my "wisdom turtles" so I do a lot of my thinking on them, they're my favorite spot in Manayunk. We like Pretzel Park too, I love the free library exchange.

Do you have any recommendations for someone coming to visit?

I would recommend walking if it's nice. The path that goes over the bridge is really great--I think Manayunk has a lot of really great walking spots. The bookstore right there (The Spiral Bookcase) is awesome. For food, I love Lucky's! I know a bunch of people who work there so that's a good spot to go. I love Pilgrim Roasters too.

How would you describe Manayunk in 3 words?

Babies, Hipsters, and College kids

Why do you love Manayunk?

DOGS--I love how dog friendly everywhere here is, it's amazing. There are so many dogs...I'm in bliss. I see dogs everywhere I go. There's just so much love. (Mila agrees)

Thanks for chatting with us Liv and Mila! Manayunk is glad to have you both as a residents! Keep an eye out for us on the streets - you might be our next featured resident! If you are interested in being featured, email intern@manayunk.org for details!

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