Manayunk.com is always looking for volunteers to help with their events! Tasks range from general setup and breakdown, checking in vendors, trash patrol, and merchandise sales. If you are interested in volunteering at any of Manayunk’s events, please email .
Civic Associations
Civic associations, or Registered Community Organizations (RCO), are formal groups of community members that weigh in on the physical development of their neighborhood, from community gardens to zoning issues.
Manayunk Neighborhood Council
Central Manayunk Council
Wissahickon Neighbors Civic Association
Ridge Park Civic Association
Manayunk’s central hub, Pretzel Park, is run by a group of volunteers. Find out how you can help with clean ups, the farmers market, dog park improvements, and the many live music events in our neighborhood park!
Friends of Pretzel Park
Roxborough Manayunk Conservancy